In light of the evolving situation regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) we want to reiterate that the health and wellbeing of our customers is the utmost priority. We want to reassure our patrons that Kit Lender is stringent in following the best practices and guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); we are continuously monitoring for updated recommendations and guidelines from the CDC and will update our processes accordingly.
Here are some of the steps we are taking to ensure we are protecting our patrons in this current situation:
We continue to honor our cancelation policy and any orders are cancelable for a full refund up to 7 business days before your first rental day or before shipping.
As always, our Customer Service team is available on standby to assist in matters of rental questions or order assistance. Please have patience as our team is working from home and customer happiness hours have been reduced. Our team is currently working diligently and you will get a response to a chat, email or call within 12 hours or less than 1 hour during weekdays 9-5pm.
Here are the ways to reach our Customer Happiness team:
We want to be part of helping you reduce some of the stress you may be feeling by helping you to get outdoors. We recommend that you consider wearing a cloth mask, maintain a safe social distance and follow all local and state guidelines. Here are a few ways you can get outside and still maintaining a safe social distancing:
Although these times are uncertain there is hope and solace that we are all in this together! Kit Lender, like the mountains, will always be there for your next adventure. Thank you for your understanding and support!
🙏 Sincerely,